Oklahoma hates blowjobs!
|There will be no oral sex of any kind in the prudish state of Oklahoma or face a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. I sure hope the girls go to out-of-state schools, no wonder the divorce rate is so high in America!
how would anyone know?? they open their moths going hey i just got head then what? cops show up saying your arrested? for what? giving head how can they do that?…stupid cuz whyy
That sucks!
I think this is just stupid! I love giving it and recieving it. I live in oklahoma and this is redicuoulus. I should owe like 1mill dollars for giving it so much
Uhm… Ok.. You love giving it (here we have a nice girl who got it 🙂
You love recieving it… How can a girl reci…. Oh…