This is not a law or a city ordinance, even though countless websites say that it is. Many even state that it’s illegal for anyone to have an unusual haircut in Mesquite. Simply not true. This most likely stems from the Mesquite School District’s Code of Conduct, which in part reads:
Guidelines Apply to all enrolled students
Elementary Guidelines
3. Hair is to be clean and well-groomed. Unusual
coloring or excessive hairstyles that may include
“tails,” “designs,” “puffs,” etc. are prohibited.
Boys: Additional Guidelines
3. Hair is to be out of the eyes, not extend below the
bottom of the earlobes and not extend over the collar.
There’s a big difference between a city ordinance and a school district code of conduct…
dude all the little kids have mohawks and shaved heads. my nephew has a mohawk and he was 3 when he got it and hes 7 now and still has it. although i do think he needs a new haircut that ones getting old –pookie-star
thats mee
I wish I had children I would move there and give them those kind of haircuts and hope I get arrested for it, then I would sue the city for 42 USC 1983 Violation of my 1st amendment rights, and through in National Origin Discrimination because I have some Cherokee Indian in me. I would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, because I am on SSI I can sue for free. I would love that publicity. This law was probally made during the 60s when we had segregated resturants and bathrooms in America.
Disclaimer: The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only.
I’m all for it. Nothing screams white trash like some little kid with a mohawk or a rat-tail.
This is not a law or a city ordinance, even though countless websites say that it is. Many even state that it’s illegal for anyone to have an unusual haircut in Mesquite. Simply not true. This most likely stems from the Mesquite School District’s Code of Conduct, which in part reads:
Guidelines Apply to all enrolled students
Elementary Guidelines
3. Hair is to be clean and well-groomed. Unusual
coloring or excessive hairstyles that may include
“tails,” “designs,” “puffs,” etc. are prohibited.
Boys: Additional Guidelines
3. Hair is to be out of the eyes, not extend below the
bottom of the earlobes and not extend over the collar.
There’s a big difference between a city ordinance and a school district code of conduct…
dude all the little kids have mohawks and shaved heads. my nephew has a mohawk and he was 3 when he got it and hes 7 now and still has it. although i do think he needs a new haircut that ones getting old
thats mee
I wish I had children I would move there and give them those kind of haircuts and hope I get arrested for it, then I would sue the city for 42 USC 1983 Violation of my 1st amendment rights, and through in National Origin Discrimination because I have some Cherokee Indian in me. I would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, because I am on SSI I can sue for free. I would love that publicity. This law was probally made during the 60s when we had segregated resturants and bathrooms in America.
Hmm i used to live in mesquite never heard of this one
this should be a law in every state, and the law should specifically include mullets
Just shut the fuck up you dumb ass liberal pussy. First Amendment, look it up.