No Cap Gun Law!
|In Rhode Island, it is illegal to sell, show, own, use or fire a cap gun of any kind.
Criminal Offenses
Explosives and Fireworks
SECTION 11-13-4Â
� 11-13-4 Toy canes or devices for firing blanks. � No person or persons shall sell, expose for sale, possess with intent to sell or use, or discharge or use, within this state, any repeating toy cane for discharging any explosive, any toy pistol, or any other toy device designed or used for the discharge of blank cartridges.
Forget the gun! I want a ‘Toy Cane’ that I can whip out and pretend shoot a person; that’s more fun than a gun. Also, I can smack a person from a longer distance then having to have close contact with a toy cap gun anyways. Jeez, I can’t believe I pay taxes for someone to sit on the Hill and come up with petty junk/shit laws like these. If my in-law, who’s actually a senator for ri, did something like this, I’d lose respect for her.
Thats bull man, now im afraid il get shot for using a capgun!
This is a joke! I played with cap guns at my uncles house in mason city, IA, and how many times have the cops come? None! I hope this is also for blank guns because i will hopefully b getting one for my B-Day this year. 😀
This city ALSO has this stupid and pointless law!
The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only. – Privacy Policy
srsly guys read it >>
i live in RI and i don’t think people including cops even care cuz they sell them at most corner stores anyway
Really? Cuz the wallgreens down the street sells cap guns? lol (Yes, i live in RI)
This is one of the most outlandish law on the books, a state that will the selling of real guns worries that a robber might use a toy for a stick up. I WISH TO GOD THEY WOULD USE A TOY, there would be no injuries if they decided to shoot. Those of us that grew up playing with these toys are not abnormal in any way. We used our imagination to PRETEND to play cops and robbers, cwboys and Indians and Soldiers of the US military against the enimies of WWII. What next perhaps it will be required to remove the thumb and first finger so that the age old finger and thumb gun cannot be pointed like a gun….I’ve got a finger I’d like to point at the idiots that support this wonder the kids of today are so out of shape and overweight..they are not allowed to run and play the games that kept past generations outside playing until after the streetlights came on.