Chickens have become a tourist icon on the island and this law was passed to prevent their removal by other than humane and local government sanctioned means. Many have been trapped and relocated to santuaries and rescue organizations in a effort to minimize the overpopulation. Removing the restrictions on the resident cats would probably solve the problems but nature is not always humane in her actions.
Disclaimer: The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only.
that why the chicken at the chinese restaurantes down there are so tasty. always order the chichen on the florida keys.
Chickens have become a tourist icon on the island and this law was passed to prevent their removal by other than humane and local government sanctioned means. Many have been trapped and relocated to santuaries and rescue organizations in a effort to minimize the overpopulation. Removing the restrictions on the resident cats would probably solve the problems but nature is not always humane in her actions.