Head of Household Must own a gun!
|In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council in Georgia voted unanimously to pass a law that requiring all heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.
The ordinance states the gun law is needed to “protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.”
Amazingly, Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said after the law passed, the crime rate in the city dropped 89 percent. Compare that huge drop to the modest 10 percent drop statewide in Georgia and you have a pretty bizarre statistic.
The reason why this law appears in idiotlaws is not because of criminals, but because of domestic violence. A woman is seven times more likely to be killed by a firearm inside the home than to defend herself.
So, yes, this law is in the correct category. It should be optional to have a firearm in the home if you’re a homeowner.
It comes down to this: if someone knows people are home and breaks in, it is reasonable to assume that they mean to harm you and your family. Would you prefer to immediately defend your family and call police once the danger has passed, or would you prefer to allow the criminals to do what they please until the police arrive? If you prefer the latter, you have no business assuming responsibility for a family.
How is this dumb or stupid? It worked for the exact reason it was intended and has the additional benefit of tax dollars and insurance dollars saved…
Amazingly, Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said after the law passed, the crime rate in the city dropped 89 percent.
Yeah, that sounds “dumb”. Name ONE other place that had that kind of crime rate drop.
So, “WHY” did the crime rate drop, what was the one main reason? Was it because guns were banned? NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! it was because-
Kennesaw City Council in Georgia voted unanimously to pass a law that requiring all heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.
The ordinance states the gun law is needed to “protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.”
Are you a fucking dumbass liberal you probably commented that a long time ago but that made no sense. They had a crime drop because criminals knew that if they broke into a house, attempted to rape, or attempted to shoot somebody they would get shot. Its common sense you fuck.
When seconds count… The police are minutes away.
Sadly, the ‘reply’ button won’t work for me either.
To Dylan and Amber. Seriously? What is wrong with you? Amber, yes it is true that the police are paid, but they aren’t that great at protecting us, their job is too extensive. Plus, as MuslimsarePIGS said, more often than not the police come AFTER the crime has already been committed.
Dylan, I feel I must inform you of something. If you were a home robber, would you attempt to rob a house if you knew there was a gun inside, and someone who knew how to use it? We are not the stupid ones, you are for stating that more guns = more shootings. Though it might make sense at first, you gotta think. Use that brain, hopefully it hasn’t been completely turned to mush. If someone is faced with the choice “Leave or I WILL kill you!!!” odds are good they will head out the door faster than you can say SECOND AMENDMENT. That this brilliant law is in a stupid laws website is even more idiotic than forbidding spoons at a soup shop, or walking across a busy highway. That is my rant, hope you enjoyed (I really don’t care if you did or not) and learned something from it (which I do sincerely hope) =).
Though I am not an officer of the law, a gun owner, or even an adult, I do know what I’m talking about. I have had much experience with firearms, including target practice and competitive shooting with the rifle, and my father teaching me how to take apart his pistol, put it back together, load, unload, and shoot it, just in case he is ever incapacitated. 15 rounds and one in the chamber. Always.
To all who agree this was mistakenly put on here, and it’s a brilliant law that should be used everywhere in the USA, AMEN and OORAH! I am so glad some people still have brains and use them on a regular basis! Thank you! =D Keep the intelligence my friends! Not many others do!
“Gun Control means using both hands.”
what, no dumb laws in Massachusetts??????????
So why is this law called dumb by dumb people? The crime rate dropped when it passed and has remained low ever since. If guns cause crime why do the military & police have them? Guns don’t csue crime dumb people can do that all on their own.
I lived between Acworth and Kennesaw, I had to buy a rake and a gun. Seemed like such a good idea, I went and bought 2 more guns and a shovel. This was a law with a purpose….
Wait so the people who support this law must support the national health care mandate as they are the same thing. You must own a gun for safety is the same thing as saying you must own insurance for financial safety. Yet somehow I don’t think those that support the gun law will support the healthcare law.
We have armed response in britian so its not illegal for police to carry guns.
Dang it, the stupid “reply” button won’t work for me. In any case, to address Amber’s misguided comment, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled in a number of cases that the police have no obligation to protect you. Look it up. Even if they did, they can’t be everywhere all the time. In the time it takes you to call 911, for the dispatcher to take the info, pass it along to the nearest car and for them to find your address–and what if there’s a jam due to an accident/fire/whatever, or people who are STILL too stupid to know you’re supposed to get out of the way of emergency vehicles–you could be butchered in your own home/car/parking garage/shopping mall bathroom/choose your own location.
Police will usually arrive AFTER the crime’s done with and there’s a mess to mop up and an investigation to begin. But good luck with that.
Dylan, you moronic idiot! “You stupid Americans! more guns won’t decrease crime! it results in more people getting shot, no wonder the world hates you” then why are we the largest exporter of arms? Oh, to help other nations protect themselves from terrorism and their enemies. In Britian where it is illegal even for the “bobbies” to carry guns, people still get killed with knives and beaten to death. Guns are not the problem, people have been killing one another for at least 5,000 years with out guns you moron. So it does not require a gun to do so. Too many examples like the one on this site shows that they are the solution at times. I assume that you are Canadian and if so it is okay for you to have your opinion, you have the U.S.A. to protect you, you turd. If not Canadian, the same still applies. Kick crap in our faces until you need our help. I am a former soldier you piece of crap, and have hated most that I have been sent to protect, but that was job and I did it well and did not get as much as a thank you. You can go to hell.
This is obviously a site developed by a left leaning liberal… My father is a retired police officer, if he said it once he said it a hundred times: “911 only functions to preserve the crime scene”. Unless it is a medical emergency, 911 is useless. Therefore I have a Glock and I don’t call 911! I am trained, licensed to carry and won’t hesitate to shoot you if it is warranted. Texas, the largest state in the union has the lowest overall crime rate. Why? The law requires you to carry. Criminals prey on the weak and unarmed. If you choose to be a victim then you get what you get. As for me, your getting 12 in the mag and 1 in the pipe.
You stupid Americans! more guns won’t decrease crime! it results in more people getting shot, no wonder the world hates you
I think this law is awesome and should be a federal law. even some of these anti-gun idiots across the country have pivate security that guard them with GUNS!
If people are to “stupid” to own a gun for the protection of themselves and their family……Oh well, I guess that will help thin out the “stupid” people…..Then the rest of us can get on with business as usual :)………………….By the way AMBER I didn’t know you could have your “own private” police officer sitting at your home 24/7 ? Because that IS what it would take !!!!
also, it really belongs on the idiotic laws website. we have police officers who do a wonderful job at protecting us and they get paid for it.
Amber, the police show up AFTER you get robbed, beatin up, raped or shot!!
The police do a wonderful at protecting us???? And they get paid for it,… is that right??
What the hell kind of drugs are you doing to make a statement like that. You are really friggin whacked!
Sounds like a Republican’s law to me! The Constitution gave us freedoms, not obligations to own firearms, you know. Seems pretty ridiculous. On the other hand, it lowered crime rates and made lots of people feel a bit safer in their beds at night.
If you have a gun in your home and someone comes to rob you….Just send him to a home that “doesn’t” have one….maybe across the street or something…….tell the robber that they will be safer to do their crime there ! LOL
In Switzerland it is required that every head of household own a gun and be part of the militia. It makes me wonder if thats what the founding fathers had in mind with the 2nd amendment, despite the convulted language of same. Even Hitler wasn’t crazy enough to invade the Swiss.
The same law was just adopted in Vermont. If you “Opt out” you have to pay a higher tax rate or FEE for police protection. Great idea!
I wouldn’t like to be a burglar there! If I was, I would go to another place with strict gun laws because I would know I could be safer to commit my crime. How many burglars register their guns?
Restrictive gun laws only restrict people who follow the laws, not the ones who break them.
That’s friggin’ awesome! It should be a state wide law.
What makes this a stupid law? Why are so many people so afraid of guns? On their own, guns can’t hurt you. On their own, people *can*. It’s people that possess the will to do harm or not, not guns. I carry a pistol every single day and it’s never jumped out of its holster and shot anyone or even stuck its extractor out at anyone and gone, “Nyaaa nyaaa!”.
Everyone should own a gun that can legally own one. After all criminals have guns and they are not owned legally. Not only is this a great law as it reduced by an astounding number of home break ins out of fear of being shot, the law should be expanded to “Right To Carry”, then think of how much street crime would drop. So this is not a dumb law after al, it is a great law which is backed by our second ammendment. You are the one that’s dumb for calling it a dumb law.
It was actually an 89% drop in home breakins for the obvious fear of being shot. Doesn’t sound like a stupid law to me. Also you can opt out by signing a paper that you object to owning a firearm if you choose.
How is this in a idiotlaws website. It should be in the geniuslaws website. This should be a mandatory law across the US. Unless you are a felon, mentally handicapped, or unless you are so far to the left that you would rather get mugged than own a firearm.
I lived in that town, & yes, that law does exist.