Forget this. Go to to get all the answers your need. 🙂 That site helped me get a Doctors Degree. So maybe it’ll help you too. It has EVERYTHING! 🙂 Trust me. I am now making over $13,000,000 a year. It worked, and it will for you too!
I would have to say being from the state of Iowa myself, this, not including all the other STUPID laws has taken the gold. And since when does horses eat fire hydrants? I’m guessing our Iowa farmers are doing a good job if our horses have those strong of teeth! lol
I remember when they passed this law. It supposedly was to protect kids. they allegedly were running in front of Ice Cream trucks to stop them and getting run over. I was a kid back then, and never once heard of anyone getting run over, but that was their reasoning. Personally, I don’t think the right palms were getting greased, if you know what I mean…
Disclaimer: The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only.
Forget this. Go to to get all the answers your need. 🙂 That site helped me get a Doctors Degree. So maybe it’ll help you too. It has EVERYTHING! 🙂 Trust me. I am now making over $13,000,000 a year. It worked, and it will for you too!
i am the ice cream man i run over fat kids with my van…. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I would have to say being from the state of Iowa myself, this, not including all the other STUPID laws has taken the gold. And since when does horses eat fire hydrants? I’m guessing our Iowa farmers are doing a good job if our horses have those strong of teeth! lol
I remember when they passed this law. It supposedly was to protect kids. they allegedly were running in front of Ice Cream trucks to stop them and getting run over. I was a kid back then, and never once heard of anyone getting run over, but that was their reasoning. Personally, I don’t think the right palms were getting greased, if you know what I mean…
HAHA this is really stupid!!! but pretty funny!!! i wonder if my friends from there know this??
so stupid! i love ice cream. i will never go to indianola!
This law is retarted whywould that matter if you had ice cream