Can’t sell liquor after 8PM

Wow, talk about strict liquor laws.

Chapter 545

Sec. 30-91. Hours and days of closing. Exemption.

(d) The sale or dispensing of alcoholic liquor in places
operating under package store permits, drug store permits
or grocery store beer permits shall be unlawful on
Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, New Year’s Day, Sunday or Christmas or, if
Independence Day, Christmas or New Year’s Day occurs on a
Sunday, on the Monday next following such day except that
such sale or dispensing shall be lawful on any Independence
Day occurring on a Saturday; and such sale or dispensing of
alcoholic liquor in places operating under package store
permits, drug store permits, and grocery store beer permits
shall be unlawful on any other day before eight o’clock
a.m. and after eight o’clock p.m. It shall be unlawful for
the holder of a manufacturing permit for a brew pub to sell
beer for consumption off the premises on the days or hours
prohibited by this subsection. Any town may, by a vote of a
town meeting or by ordinance, reduce the number of hours
during which such sale shall be permissible


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