A chaperone is requied if you’re traveling with a sheep in the cab of your truck
|This is to prevent any funny business from happening between the sheep and the driver.
This is to prevent any funny business from happening between the sheep and the driver.
Is there a law against transporting dogs on flat bed trucks, or pick-up trucks.
take it from a montana native and resident, these law are real, they are still on the books, they are not heeded to… except maybe the sheep thing 🙂
yeah none of these laws are true, they’re hilarious but also ridiculous. clearly whoever put these “laws” on the website have never set foot in montana.
screw all of u. let me guess u hav nvr ben there
damn, there goes date night.
That law is probly a good and safe law for montana. And im sure the sheep love it. Because there is a lot of sick hillbillys down here.