There is also the possibility of glass, stone or some other object on your foot that could cause pain when pressing the break and your bodies natural reflex of taking your foot off the break at a bad time (hard breaking)
My issue with this law is that if I’m wearing flip-flops that could slide off, or high heels, which could get in the way, I feel much safer taking them off and using my bear feet.
Well, some tenderfoots can’t brake hard when you don’t have shoes on. Lord knows we follow closely enough to each other in this state to require hard braking on a continuous basis.
Disclaimer: The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only.
There is also the possibility of glass, stone or some other object on your foot that could cause pain when pressing the break and your bodies natural reflex of taking your foot off the break at a bad time (hard breaking)
What glass products are you using while you are driving a car?
The word is Brake
All it takes is a quick research online. You will find there are ZERO laws about driving a car barefoot anywhere in the USA.
Bear Feet!!! Hahahaha you phucking retard!
My issue with this law is that if I’m wearing flip-flops that could slide off, or high heels, which could get in the way, I feel much safer taking them off and using my bear feet.
Well, some tenderfoots can’t brake hard when you don’t have shoes on. Lord knows we follow closely enough to each other in this state to require hard braking on a continuous basis.