Disclaimer: The laws listed here are for entertainment purposes only. We have tried to cite specific references when available but, we make no guarantees on the validity of these laws and as such: the laws and regulations including the interpretation and commentary we have provided are for entertainment only.
this shit is gay i thimk we should be aloud to have any kind of sex in public
WHY? get a room, we dont want to see you gettin BUSY all night….. go home
That law enforces common decency! It’s sad that there has to be a law about it!
aww damn..wait i live in la so its legal? lol not, oral and anal sex are illegal here . i can just imagine public sex lol but i have seen it
DAMN IT!!!…….looks like im banned from mississippi for a while! Why didn’t anyone tell me that,…….
haha funny…NOT don’t pretend your getting busy all the time… your prob a virgin for all i know!