The single largest collection of dumb laws and stupid laws. Some of these old laws have been on the books for centuries, many times they are outdated and not current for today’s society. And other times these crazy laws exist without logical explaination. Read ON, You’ll be amazed at some of the laws still in existence. Find the wacky laws ones from your state!
Popular Stupid Laws in the past 30 Days
- Wife Beating Allowed on Sunday
- Minors aren’t allowed to buy lighters, but buying rolling papers and tobacco is okay
- Women can’t drive cars…..Unless…
- Beer Sale Contradiction Laws
- I guess it is legal to marry your sister in Alabama after all
- It’s illegal to have oral sex
- It’s illegal to try to give away puppies or kittens
- It’s illegal to fart in public after 6PM
- It’s illegal to sell a car on Sunday
- No doggie style allowed!
- When you visit Noble street in Anniston, make sure the jeans you wear are not blue.
- No lights on during sex, oh yeah only missionary position allowed.
- Cats must be fitted with tail light if it sneaks out of the house
- It’s illegal to fish from a bridge
- Sidewalk spitting is illegal
- Missionary style is the only position allowed between and man and a woman
- Registering as a married couple at a hotel if not married = legal marriage
- Can’t beat your wife more then once a month
- It’s illegal to eat chicken with a fork
- Shooting Indians on horseback is legal
- Illegal to drive in a parade
- Wife beating is legal in Stafford County!
- Don’t steal a cow!
- Prisoners must be served real butter in state prisons
- Skunks are not allowed to be kept as pets.